Ignasi Vidal
The Cyclops and other peculiarities of love
Ignasi VidalGenre |
Duration |
Drama |
90' |
Actors / Actresses |
Characters |
2 3 |
2 3 |
Audience |
Age of characters |
Adults |
2 Youngs, 3 Adults |
Format |
Created |
Medium |
2013 |
Opening |
Awards |
Yes |
No |
Published |
Original language |
No |
Spanish |
Love is not that fairy tail we have been told when we were children. The Cyclops tells us about a short cuts story where the characters must learn to love again. The accidental disappearance of one of them will make the others to reconsider their way of understanding life and feeling love. It is written in a very direct, fresh, alive and closely way which touches in some occasions a high lirism with a very conscientious language and powerful images through a high voltage poetical expressions.
Available translations: Italian
Performed: Yes
Performed date: 18/8/17
Performed place: Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer
Other performed: None
Awards: No
Other awards: No
- España: http://www.diariodesevilla.es/ocio/vueltas-juego-amor_0_1212178871.html
- España: https://www.abc.es/cultura/abci-ciclope-y-otras-rarezas-amor-llega-teatros-canal-201707210213_noticia.html
- España: https://www.eldiario.es/cultura/ciclope-rarezas-amor-complejidad-relaciones_0_679282567.html
- España: https://elpais.com/tematicos/2017/08/11/elpaismas/1502446884_825456.html
- España: https://www.larazon.es/cultura/el-ciclope-y-otras-rarezas-del-amor–la-necesidad-del-cosquilleo-GM15915636
Tags: All, Drama, Performed, Translated