Ignasi Vidal
Belmonte, get out of my body
Ignasi VidalGenre |
Duration |
Comedy |
Microtheatre |
Actors / Actresses |
Characters |
1 1 |
1 1 |
Audience |
Age of characters |
Adult |
1 Adult |
Format |
Created |
Medium |
2015 |
Opening |
Awards |
Yes |
No |
Published |
Original language |
No |
Spanish |
A bank executive gets back home and informs his wife, a council women at the mayor’s office, who has some ambitions for a political career, and with whom he share a boring and passionless life, that he is possessed by the spirit of Juan Belmonte, the torero who revolutionized bullfighting. This situation results in a very entertaining comedy about love, conviviality, power and bulls, indispensable for anybody who stays in Seville or its surroundings.
Available translations: No
Performed: Yes
Performed date: 2016
Others performed: None
Award: None
Others awards: None
Tags: All, Comedy, Microteathre, Performed